![]() 05/02/2018 at 16:57 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Rght now, I have two cars. New, safe boring commuter, beater truck for house stuff. No fun car. 2 kids. How do I do this?
Option 1: 3 cars. Beater truck, cheap commuter, miatia (or similar).
Problems: wife’s car in the driveway, that puts 3 on the street. At some point, I’ll have a kid or two in a older, cheaper, less safe car.
Option 2: Nice truck, Miata.
Problems: eliminates kids in old beater commuter, but now I’m commuting in a truck. RIP gas bills, parking, etc.
Option 3: keep truck I got, get new focus st, which are cheap right now.
Problem: is the st really the fun car I want? Don’t know. Will it autocrossing?
What’s OPPOs approach?
![]() 05/02/2018 at 17:12 |
buy motorcycles.
cheap to commute, even a $5k SV650 will be YEARS more fun then a miata.
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Well, my method has always worked out for me: More cars, fewer children.
But since you already have kids, I don’t know. I’d probably go for a nice truck and a fun car.
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as somebody looking to buy a 4th car this weekend, I am not a good person to ask. I will have a car for every purpose.
I’d go Option 1 or 3. Nice trucks are overrated.
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Option 4: don’t buy fun car, put money in kids’ college fund.
Problem: death by boredom before seeing said kids graduate college.
Oh wait, we’re not talking about me this time. Sorry.
![]() 05/02/2018 at 17:19 |
Buy a Grom. Then you won’t give a shit about fun cars any more.
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You should get the following:
Focus ST (autocross this, FWD fun)
Miata (autocross this too, RWD fun)
Cheap commuter (also autocross/rallycross this because beater)
Beater truck (hauling things)
Nice truck (because reasons)
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I’ve thought long and hard about that, and occasionally come close to convincing myself. But I drop off or pick up the kids to or from work some days. Sidecar?
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I’m pretty sure this means you have a LOT of knowledge on this subject.
More is better.
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Locked in at two, thank God
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More is better. More on that soon..... Gonna be a summer full of many cars
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I will street park on the entire block
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God bless her, my wife made me promise I’d get back into a fun car soon. Just not sure the best way.
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The ST is fun, cheap, and will do these things. However, note my comment on the Jalopnik article pointing out that their examples of cheap ones are all the undesirable ST1s that have sat on the lots for years. Most of these prices are just what people have been buying them for after negotiation, so there might be little-to-no negotiation room.
If you’re really interested, I’d test drive one first to decide if you like it. It’s far from a straight line car, but that’s fine with some of us (I like that mine corners like crazy, don’t care that it’s not the fastest thing around). Depending on your commute, it could be similar to some cheap commuters or far worse, depending on how you drive. I know people that get into the teens in them every tank and some of us get mid- to high-20s regularly (and could get 30+ if there was no traffic).
How small are your kids and do you have access to a truck when you need one?
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We got sick of trying to get the home Depot rental, so we got a beater truck and we’re surprised how much use we get out of it. My previous cars were an 05 Cooper s and an 11 GTI, so I like hot hatches. But, it is a compromise.
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...or just sit on the back? they DO have a passenger seat.
multiple kids? a tow rope and one gets a bicycle
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2 kids, 2 and 4. Bike and a rope could work. Wife would be unamused
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See? All kinds of upside to this plan.
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God bless her, indeed.
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get a give rack and bolt a child seat to it.
ALTERNATIVLY, get a bike with HUGE side bags
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No way I could commute in a truck everyday. Keep the beater truck, get a fun car that you won’t mind your kids eating in, and one that isn’t so stiff you’d be miserable driving it everyday.
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*Sell the family and buy a 911.
Now, I see why you may not consider this a viable option, but hear me out.
No more kids, no need for giant boring vehicle that has kid room. Two birds, one stone!
If you’re lonely without your family, don’t worry. As a 911 driver, you’ll be starting another family in no time. Start as many as you like!
A 911 is fun to drive and practical. Kill at the autox, sip gas on the freeway and carry home wood beams on the roof rack!
Now I’m sure you have only one real option, and that option begins with your local Porsche dealer!
*(I am of course joking. Selling people is morally indefensible and super illegal. Please do not attempt the sale or trade of a human being, not even for a sweet 911)
![]() 05/02/2018 at 17:48 |
Old-ish turbo Volvo and beater truck. That’s how I do it, anyway. The Volvo will still be reasonably safe because Volvo, very nice to commute in and still fun in the right trim. Not as nice for auto x as an ST, though.
![]() 05/02/2018 at 17:52 |
We went with an Explorer for her, a WRX for me, and a utility trailer for stuff. The WRX seats four, is a hoot for commuting, and a blast at the track. Three in one! We inherited an Outback which will become our daughter’s car but was pressed into use as the family car when the Explorer was totaled.
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No sale or trade, but maybe lease?
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Always wanted one, but a new st is going for 18k. That’s tough to find for a wrx.
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Gotta keep the truck, that’s a given. I’ve had mins now for 15 plus years, paid off and still in good condition. It only comes out when the weather breaks. I had an S4 that worked decent for 2 kids, but a bit tight, and I could still AutoX it. I upgraded to the S8 a couple years ago for a bit more room, but I’m almost too scared to AutoX it, but really it’s more of not having the time right now. When I had the S4, we had 2 boys, so it worked out well, momma drove the Q7 and all was well. Now we have three boys and a girl coming in a few months. So we are into minivan for momma and I still have my S8, and fair weather truck. Three cars isn’t bad, but for you with just two, the S4 type car would cover two requirements. Kid hauler and AutoX toy, and you can commute in it too.... forgot about that. Then just make sure momma likes whatever she has, and it should be the family truckster for family trip duty. But that way you can still haul the kiddos and have a toy as well. Sorry, no room for a Miata for now. What till your kids grow up and get the track rat to play with. That’s my plan. A bit of sacrifice for now, but later I’ll have my toy again.
![]() 05/02/2018 at 17:58 |
Find me a new one (hell, used with a warranty even) for the 18k a new st goes for now, and I’m in.
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Yeah, I got the commuter thinking that now isn’t the time. Then there was that article about Ford trying to move the focus and fiesta’s out, and the prices are good. Got me thinking again
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Apples and Oranges.
We cross-shopped the ST with the WRX. Actually drove them back-to-back with the kids one saturday afternoon. The kids voted unanimously for the WRX. There’s more space in the back and the seats are more comfortable. It wasn’t much of an issue at first, but now that my son is taller than I, the extra space is useful when we’re all on board.
![]() 05/02/2018 at 18:11 |
U want a ‘14, last of the hatchs
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The STs sure as hell will autocross! The FiST and FoST actually won their stock category at SCCA’s SOLO Nationals (H-Street and G-Street, respectively).
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Go with option 4: keep you current fleet and add a fun beater car. There are a lot of good deals to be had on fun cars if you are willing to overlook some features and or visual blemishes. I have my BMW as a commuter, a Ford Expedition for a truck and I picked up my 89' mustang for basically the cost of a fresh drivetrain alone. The mustang is going to go on a serious diet and cleaned up a bit. You don’t need a lot of $$$ if you get the right car as your fun car. I am pretty sure there are plenty miatas out there for real cheap that just need a little tlc.
![]() 05/02/2018 at 18:38 |
My driveway is this currently:
2013 Subaru Outback as a family car, dog hauler, ski/camping etc car
2006 Mazda3, my fucking car don’t touch it.
1990 isuzu 4x4 pickup-for home depot and dump runs. Has a short and a fucked up hood so it’s a pain in the ass to daily drive.
So I vote for the Focus ST or maybe look at a Honda Civic Sport/Accord 2dr sport/Juke NISMO RS, etc..
![]() 05/02/2018 at 18:39 |
Minivan. I owned a truck for 10 years and found it to be fairly useless except maybe once a year. My mom (may she rest it peace) gave me her old Windstar van when kids came along and I found that thing easily did double duty as a kid hauler and a stuff hauler. I could (and did) remove all the passenger seats and that gave me tremendous load capacity. I hauled safes, refrigerators, washers, dryers, motorcycles, bagged garden supplies, and who knows what else. If you can get over not having a ‘manly’ truck, it will fulfill 2 rolls. Then you can have a Miata for commuting and fun. Think about it.
![]() 05/02/2018 at 18:47 |
Instead of merging the truck and daily into one car, merge the truck and fun car into one.
I bet you could put the same stuff in this.
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Option 3 seems the logical choice.
![]() 05/03/2018 at 05:47 |
turn the truck into a sleeper/fun car. sort of resto-mod it
![]() 05/03/2018 at 11:52 |
By the way, what is less desirable about the ST1?
![]() 05/03/2018 at 13:04 |
Far less effective seats, cut-rate everything. They did a major decontent on the ST1s far greater than even the general decontent on the North American version of the Focus ST.
Everyone that bought the ST1 in my groups gets an aftermarket radio, is always on the lookout for the Recaro seats from an ST2 or ST3 (unless they’re quite overweight), and trying to figure out how to modify the wiring harnesses to install the HID (or steering HID) headlights. If all you were doing was buying one to modify for Autocross (that is, you’ll be putting in racing seats, need helmet headroom, plan to remove some of the interior, won’t be listening to the radio, and won’t be commuting in it), an ST1 is the best choice. For everyone that uses them like you hope to and I do, you want at least an ST2 and at that point you might as well just go all the way (it’s a $3k MSRP difference between an ST1 and ST2, or $5k between ST1 and ST3, so we’re talking low-20s if they’re selling ST1s at these prices). The ST2 can also be optioned up to roughly the same as an ST3, just without the full leather seats, for around the same price as an ST3.
Most of the cars that have been built/sold are ST3s. The ST2s are the rarest because people that can afford one can afford the small extra for an ST3. The ST1s are the next most common (still not that common) because they’re cheap. At meets, these are always driven by some younger person that could barely afford it (or bought it used) that is trying to talk fatter guys into swapping seat with them. We also look at them with curiosity because it’s at least 10:1 ST3:ST1.